Wednesday, November 29, 2006

AWB - Options A or B

Ok so surely there are only two options the Australian Government can take;

Option A

They were criminally negligent and behind the money laundering that occurred.

Option B
They were grossly incompetent, asleep at the wheel, out of touch with the actual business of governing.

It doesn't matter that the Opposition called people nasty names in parliament..All that matters...the material issue is that the government seems to be saying that the Cole report exonorates them from Option A which leaves Option B...Can you imagine what would be happening now if the roles were reversed and the current opposition had been in government when this incredibly damaging crime took place......

1 comment:

Tim Hughes said...

The crime of incompetence by a department used to be a crime when there was true ministerial responsibility. In 10 years of being in office Howard has created a defence to ministerial responsibility of "awareness". Therefore if a department was incompetent and not aware and did not make their minister aware then no-one is responsible. A great political tactic with a horrendous public policy outcome.