Monday, October 14, 2013

Hypocrisy Watch!

I was amazed to hear Greg Hunt talk today about the faceless men choosing Shorten...Last time I checked the Coalition elected their leader in a caucus vote with no votes at all from the coalition part members...So it anything the new Labor model is far more democratic than the coalition model for selecting a leader....How can he stand up and sprout such BS????

My favourite example however is this...stay with me here.

So the facts are that when Labor was in power and a boat (with Asylum seekers) arrived the Govt notified all and sundry..The Coalition would jump on each an every arrival talking about the failure of the Labor policy to stop the boats.

Now the Coalition is in Govt and they refuse to notify when a boat arrives because they do not want to give the people smugglers intel on what is going on as this will be damaging to Australia's security. They ,instead, rely on weekly, data free, updates.

Ok so Morrison has two choices here.

Either he truly believes that making public the details of a boat arrival is damaging to our national security in which case why didn't he appeal to the Labor Govt to stop issuing information when each boat arrived. Was he really happy to see our national security breached just to give himself political fuel???

Or perhaps is this security BS  a smokescreen to allow him to not have to keep informing the Australian population of the flow of boats and (most likely) show that (surprise, surprise) Tony has not stopped the boats...

There are only two choices...He is either someone who doesn't really care about our national security or he is someone that doesn't like the whole concept of transparency in govt.

Stay tuned for more hypocrisy watch!

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